Monday, March 24, 2008

My evil is showing

Ahem.... well, let's just say that the seal Crest did not make the trip to Coronation. I do have pictures of it before it died though, and will be posting those later. But the fact that the seal didn't make it, is not the most interesting story of this project. Let me take you back.....

As I stated earlier, I was wanting to make a Baby Seal crest out of jello and rice crispy treats for Coronation. I wanted the jello to be red, and possibly have spaghetti in it so it'd look like guts when it was hit. So I put it in a bottle since I wanted a basic cylinder of jello. And as of last post, I have not cut the jello out yet.

What I failed to realize was what the jello would look like after removed from the bottle. I literally was cutting the plastic away from the Jello, and it was coming out perfectly, and then I realized what I was holding in my hand, and bust out laughing so hard I almost dropped it. I laughed so hard, Con in the other room had to ask what was so funny. The picture of what came out of the mold is below. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

1 comment:

Kennis said...

Bwahahahahahaha!! You did it on purpose didn't you? Oh that is too funny :)