Friday, January 18, 2008

City Slogan

Ok, this is off-topic, but I just had to rant. A little while ago, I heard a news report that the City Council of Topeka, paid an advertising firm $25,000 to come up with a new slogan for the city. Tax payer money, I'm sure. The firm came back to the Council with their $25,000 suggestion for a new city slogan. What they came up with is.......are you ready for this.....

Topeka: The Capitol City!

Are you kidding me?!?! $25,000 for that?! This goes to show you how screwed up this city is. Obviously this slogan didn't do it for me. So, I've come up with a few suggestions of my own. Maybe the city could send me $25,000 for one of them.
  • Topeka: Making New York seem safe.
  • Topeka: Home of the Phelps cult.
  • Topeka: Looking out for the little guy (and running him into the ground)
  • Topeka: Six jails, no waiting.
  • Topeka: Not as bad as you've heard.
  • Topeka: The Golden Rule city (he who has the gold, makes the rules).
  • Topeka: Big enough for three Wal-marts!
  • Topeka: Red(neck), White(trash) & Blue(collar).
  • Topeka: Don't believe everything you've heard.
These are what I just came up with. I'm sure there are many more. Again, if the City Council likes any of these, they can pay me the $25,000, I wouldn't mind.



Jennwynn said...

My votes:

"Not as bad as you've heard..."
"Big enough for THREE Wal-Marts"
and the "red, white and blue" stroke of genius :)

Could be much worse, $25,000 isn't much... :)

Thordr said...

i paid my fucking taxes for THAT!?!