Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Project: Kabuto

It's Spring, so time to get working on new projects. I am wanting to remake and retool my armor. The first thing I'm wanting to do, and one that I have been wanting to do for some time is make a new Kabuto. I am getting the pieces of my shop in order to begin working on it very soon. I will post images and updates when I begin working on it.

For my new Kabuto, I'm wanting to alter and enhance certain aspects of my current one. I have some ideas of what I want out of the new one.
  1. Removeable mempo/bar-grill.
  2. Mempo/Bar-grill that can be attached or removed with preferribly one hand, and definatley without taking my fingered gauntlets off.
  3. Increase the length of the mabizashi (brow).
  4. Have more defined fukigaeshi (wings).
  5. Form the hachi (bowl) to more accurate shape.
  6. Shape the shikioro better to fit over shoulders.
  7. Make it look more period overall.
  8. Have several styles of mempos for various occasions.

Don't know if I'll be able to accomplish any or all of that. The most important thing is the removable mempo/bar-grill and to be able to add and remove it without taking off my gauntlets. The rest are less important, but still something I want to strive for. We'll see what I can get done.

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